Would You Run Into Your Burning House To Save Your Pets? I Did

Christopher M Bell
7 min readMar 15, 2023

There are moments in life where your action or inaction define who you are; facing a home fire is one of them

Photo by Kate Darmody on Unsplash

We might not know it at the time, but every life experience shapes our personality. Those routine moments might not mean much at the time, but when we’re called to act; they’ve made us who we are without us knowing it.

Arriving Home Late Saturday

At the time, I was an 19 year old pizza delivery driver that had just returned home at around 3am after an exhausting Saturday night shift. My girlfriend at the time was still up and it was a long summer’s night of delivering. It wasn’t uncommon to make upwards of $300 per night and deliver twenty or so orders.

Flashes in the Kitchen

As I was unwinding and getting ready for to turn in for the night, I walked through our kitchen and could not believe what I was seeing. It started as small flashes; little bright spots falling close to the window. I was confused. Was someone throwing something out of the window? Was this a reflection of someone’s TV? It turned out to be much worse. To my surprise dripping just outside our kitchen window was a faucet-like waterfall of flames.

Above the Kitchen Window



Christopher M Bell

Outdoor enthusiast, techie, mentor, husband, father. Tips for connecting to nature, yourself, and life.