During the Pandemic, I Created These Lessons For My Kids

Christopher M Bell
2 min readMar 13, 2023

Not knowing what the Pandemic would bring, we recorded these videos for my kids to keep their spirits up and have some memories of us

Photo: Christopher Bell

As the pandemic wore on in the summer of 2020, like many of us; I didn’t know what the pandemic would bring. My wife and I in California and my kids in Portland, OR; we did our best to keep our head’s up. It would be one full year apart, although FaceTime kept us together; it wasn’t like being together in person.

During that time apart, we read many books and played lots of games and Minecraft; whatever we could to stay close while we were apart. Like so many, we wanted to be safe and traveling wasn’t an option for us until the later that year. With all the uncertainty of the pandemic, we didn’t know what the future would bring.

To leave behind some wisdom and to connect with our kids remotely, we recorded these short, educational Youtube videos for our kids. Enjoy!

Ever Hear Of An Aprium? It’s a mix of a Plum and an Apricot!



Christopher M Bell

Outdoor enthusiast, techie, mentor, husband, father. Tips for connecting to nature, yourself, and life.